Diagonal method and "On the Rocks"

This is the second, element of composition, within my photo of Shannon titled "On the Rocks." 

Principals of composition
As seen by the image below several of the implied lines in the image follow the path of a diagonal line. First when composing a photo, horizontal and or vertical lines are boring while a diagonal is interesting to the eye. There have been mathematical studies that indicate a diagonal composition is far more interesting if the lines can intersect at or near points of interest.  You will notice in my example I missed the top diagonal by a few inches however your mind moves the line down into place and therefore saves me this time. The intersection of the two diagonals would be near the junction of Shannon’s torso and upper most leg and leads you through to her face. There is also a strong diagonal starting at the tree on the upper left of the frame that continues to across the frame to through her breasts. In general diagonals add interest to our photos.

Notes on this image
In this example you will notice that the lines overlaid lead the viewer to very interesting points in the frame. Also there are several implied triangles for someone to discover. The interesting points of diagonal lines build interest in your photo.  

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Next week we will be discussing Golden Mean in this photo and how it works. The Golden Mean is a very powerful rule of composition. I received another very interesting question this week and will be addressing it very soon. The questions were regarding shooting nudes outdoors and how to select a location. The writer also asked if it was legal. I will address all of these questions in my reply coming soon.  

Thank you and see you next time,

JW Purdy


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