My Second Nude Year Day 244

Day 244
Tonight we were back in Shannon's dad's garage. Shannon was browsing through his toolboxes. Her dad has thousands of tools. He even has some 1" ratchets and sockets. He has everything you could ever need to work on standard cars, including frame work. Shannon had never seen a 1" drive set before. I've used them in the past but had to borrow one from the auto parts store since I so rarely ever need anything that big. It was fun watching her dig through all the tools and play around. I captured a few shots of her goofing off and even a few when she went tool hunting after dropping them to the floor. I missed one photo but she had already gotten dressed again and we decided to save it for another day.

©JW Purdy All rights reserved


There is commentary as well as the images and BTS videos that didn't make today's cut available. Reach out to me for details.



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