My Second Nude Year Day 130
Day 130
Tonight I wanted a themed shoot. I wanted the shot to have some meaning
behind it. This was not just going to be another light study or figure
study photo. One of our favorite movies was The Professional with Jean
Reno. In one scene you see Jean, Leon, cleaning the leaves of his peace
lily. I gave Shannon a damp cloth and she got to work. I took a few
different photos showing differing angles as well as some candid smiling
shots. In reality, don't clean your peace lily with a damp cloth as you
may clog its pores. Instead, simply shower it with water to remove the
dust from the leaves. This should be done at least once a year.
©JW Purdy All rights reserved
There is commentary as well as the images and BTS videos that didn't make today's cut available. Reach out to me for details.
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