My Second Nude Year Day 145
Day 145
Today we have a very off-the-cuff photo for you. I woke up this morning and Shannon was getting ready. Once she was done showering she found that her dress needed to be ironed. She had her hands full so she wrapped her dress around her neck and set off for the laundry room. This is exactly how I found her as she entered the living room. With her dress around her neck, she looked like a World War I, fighter pilot. I ran and grabbed my camera, moved her to better light in the kitchen, and snapped this photo. I love it but without the commentary, I think the bliss of the image will be lost. Therefore if you are reading this, we are the lucky few that know the truth behind it.
©JW Purdy All rights reserved
There is commentary as well as the images and BTS videos that didn't make today's cut available. Reach out to me for details.
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