My Second Nude Year Day 164
Day 164
Shannon got her nails done this morning and we wanted to show them off.
We chose to dive into a color matching and bodyscape style photo. I
placed a flash about six feet away from Shannon with a shoot-thru
umbrella attached. I dialed the flash power back to 1/4 of full power so
I could open the lens shutter very wide. A wide shutter opening gives a
very narrow focus plain. I set up above her at the max lens length of
70mm with an f-4 setting. The focus plain is only a few inches, which
gives the image a soft feel. This leads your eye right to Shannon's red
nails and lipstick. I think the photo turned out well but I wish we had
shot in the foyer to get that nice warm, nearly brown colorcast.
©JW Purdy All rights reserved
There is commentary as well as the images and BTS videos that didn't make today's cut available. Reach out to me for details.
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