My Second Nude Year Day 169

Day 169
I drove up to see Shannon and my second favorite model, Skye Greene, as well as make sure they got in the house okay. I spent a few hours with them just talking watching them eat lunch. I left the house a little too early and grabbed a bit to eat while I was waiting for them. As it was getting late in the day I started looking for a place to shoot so I could hit the road before rush-hour traffic started. Houston has some of the highest drive times in the country and I didn't want to sit on the roads for hours just trying to get back home. As I was looking around the house I ended up in the guest bedroom and it seemed like a great place to shoot. I had Shannon stretch her arms out along the headboard and started snapping a few shots. I think they came out well, candid and relaxed. 


©JW Purdy All rights reserved


There is commentary as well as the images and BTS videos that didn't make today's cut available. Reach out to me for details.


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