My Second Nude Year Day 170

Day 170
So I caught Shannon being very domestic at Skye Greene's house today. I got there late and she was making Skye and herself dinner. I set up a single flash with a shoot-thru umbrella and set to work. This was our third shoot with the Magic Drainpipe. I took a handful of photos and two of them were of Shannon just goofing around. I really love this lens. Look at how creamy the foreground objects are. The focus on this lens is deadly crisp. We all sat and talked and after I finished helping with a list of honeydews it was time to head home. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the store before it closed and it was a bacon and egg dinner for me. I could eat bacon and eggs every day, oh wait, I kind of do that now. 

©JW Purdy All rights reserved


There is commentary as well as the images and BTS videos that didn't make today's cut available. Reach out to me for details.



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